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SLX are committed to maintaining high standards of health and safety and seeking to continually improve our safety performance whilst complying with applicable legal requirements and with other compliance obligations to which we subscribe, and that relate to the hazards associated within our industry.

A good safety record goes hand in hand with high productivity and quality standards, and as such we will provide and maintain, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe and healthy working conditions and equipment and safe systems of work for all our workers whether working in our own premises or on our client’s or other locations, and to provide such information, instruction, training and supervision as may be necessary for this purpose.

To that end, the time, cost and effort for health and safety purposes will be made available to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that this Health and Safety Policy, Organisation and Arrangements are fully documented, implemented and communicated to all interested parties. To help us to measure our performance we set and review Occupational Health and Safety Objectives, through the framework of management reviews.

Our basic function comprises the hire of a range of products for the entertainment and event industry from various manufacturers including custom built items from our own manufacturing facilities.

We place considerable emphasis on safety, particularly with the planning and installation of our hired equipment. Therefore, we can justifiably claim to be safety conscious throughout our daily activities, being alert to hazards and methods of eliminating them and reducing risks through the hierarchy of control. SLX are also aware of its responsibilities for the health, safety and welfare of other people who may be affected by any of its activities.

The Management Team, Supervisors & Project Managers and workers will receive such training, instruction and advice as necessary to understand their specific responsibilities for health and safety for the enforcement of this Policy. This will include ensuring that adequate health and safety facilities are available and the procedures and practices are known and adhered to at all times by their staff. The management team shall ensure active consultation, participation and representation of all workers, to gain their relevant H&S inputs.

It is the duty of all employees to be aware of and conform to this Health & Safety Policy and all relevant Operational Procedures and Working Practices, and to accept their obligations and carry out defined responsibilities. Health and Safety must never be compromised for other objectives. I give my full commitment to the prevention of work-related injury and ill-health and continual improvement to our health and safety management system and will support all of those who endeavour to carry it out.

This Health and Safety Policy will be annually reviewed for effectiveness and to ensure that any necessary changes are made and implemented. This policy is also made available to any relevant interested party upon request.


Alastair Currie