In June, Poku Osei, CEO of Babbasa, came to SLX to give us an inspirational Insights Presentation. The presentation provided an introduction to Babbasa and our partnership with them. It also covered insights into the issues and challenges around social inequality and the level of inequality that exists across Bristol. 

Poku set the scene by asking us what comes to mind when thinking about Bristol. Is it the suspension bridge, St Paul’s Carnival or Concorde? Or is it that Bristol is the 7th worse place to live for black minority groups in England and Wales, that 25% of all young people registered to be living in relative poverty, or that ethnic minority unemployment is 2 times higher in Bristol than the national average?  

These stats are the driving force behind Babbasa’s mission to support young people from low income and ethnic minority communities to pursue professional ambitions. Poku then went on to tell us how Babbasa plan to action this mission through Youth Empowerment Programmes, Recruitment and Inclusion services, and through Contract and Commissions. 

Having joined Babbasa as a Corporate Partner in May 2022, SLX are getting involved with Babbasa and their community of young people in the following ways: providing work experience to three Babbasa recruits over the next 12 months, receiving Diversity and Inclusion support through training and policy advice, and through SLX employees signing up to be Equal Opportunity Ambassadors.  

Prior to Poku’s visit, three members of staff from SLX were inducted onto the Equal Opportunity Ambassadors programme. The Insights Presentation was so engaging that many more SLX employees have expressed an interest in joining the programme.  

We can’t wait to start working more closely with Babbasa and helping them to achieve their incredible mission.